East Tilbury and Corringham Medical Centre

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Patient Participation Group Report 2013-2014

ETCMC Patient Survery Report

ETCMC Patient Survey
Component 1 Composition of the PRG

We invited patients to join the PRG with the help of  notice on the surgery notice board. In addition patients were also requested by email to join the PRG. Word of mouth was also used to request patients to join the PRG

We have 9 members of the patients who have formed the PRG. There are 4 women and 5 men.  One of the member is in the age group of 55-65 years and the the rest are above 65 years. The ethnicity of the members is white British. We have one patient who has hearing impairment who wants to join the PRG. However so far we have not been able to arrange a suitable person to assisst her in communication during the meetings

Component 2  Agreed areas of Priority

This was determined by the directly questioning the patients who attended the surgery. In addition the concerns raised by the patients during routine visits to the surgery to collect prescriptions were also taken into consideration. In addition the concern rising from the discussion durig the second PRG meeting was also used to determine the areas of priority to survey patient opinin.

Collating patient views via the survey.

A paper questionnaire was used to obtain the view of the patients regarding the areaas of concern  which were identified. Patients were also sent the survey questionnaire by email. All patinets attending the morning surgery on either site were handed the questionnaire and requested to return the questionnaire prior to leaving the premises. Of the 170 questionnaires distributed 102 were returned  of which 2 were found to be invalid. That left 100 questionnaires to be analysed. The questionnaire were analysed by the practice team comprising the doctor and the administrators. 

Component 3 Results of the Survey

The following are the primary results of the survey:

A. Opening times:
76% of those surveyed were happy with the surgery opening times and 7 % wanted the opening times to be changed. This should be taken into consideration and f possible further increase in the late opening of the surgery should be planned in order to improve access.

B. Available Appointments;
63 % of those surveyed found the availability and the mix of appointments appropriate. Nearly 20 % were not happy with the availability of the appointments and 17 % were undecided. Considering that the availability of the appointments is one of the major determining factors of the patient satisfaction, this unhappiness should be addressed and access to the surgery improved.

C. Prescription Collection
70% of our patients were happy with the ease with which they were able to collect their prescriptions. 9 % wanted a change and 21% were undecided. This meant that nearly 1/3rd of patients were not entirely.

D. Cleanliness of the surgery
The majority of the patients (nearly 88%) were happy with the cleanliness of the surgery. 6% thought that a change was needed and a further 6 % were undecided.

E. Friendliness o f the Staff:
Most of our patients nearly 92 % thought that our staff was very friendly and helpful.
4% of those surveyed wanted an improvement.

F. Overall:
Overall 83% of the patients were happy with the surgery and 4% wanted a change. 13 % of the surveyed patients were unsure.

G. Recommendation to Friends and Family:

Nearly 80 % of the patients surveyed would recommend the surgery to their friends and family members . 5 % of the patients refrained from expressing their views and 7 % stated tht they would not recommend the surgery to their friends and family.

Component 4 Communication with the PRG:

The PRG chief was emailed the survey findings and requested to circulate the findings amongs the PRG members. Following this communication the PRG identified the main areas of concern which was about the lack of appropriate appoitnments. The PRG members wanted a detailed breakdown of the number of appointments provided by the various clinicians.  They also wanted to know abot the clinical committment of one of the clinicians who has been unable to commit clinical time to the surgery recently.

Component 5 Reference Group Agreement to the Implementation of change

This will be discussed at the next PRG meeting tobe held on the 22nd of April where the results of the survey and the way forward regarding the patient requerements will be analysed

Component 6 Publicise action taken and subsequent achievements

This will be done through the practice website. At presnt only the survey findng have been posted and the further actions and subsequent achievements will be posted once it becomes available